Deb Stoko Oxybac Touchfree Cartridge 1.2 Litre OXY12LTF

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Product Code18873592 Manufacturer CodeOXY12LTF
  • Locations of use: Office/Commercial/Leisure, Food Service & Catering, Food Processing & ManufacturingCatridge for touchfree dispenser to ensure cleaninessKills 99.999% of many common bacteria
A rich-cream foam antibacterial hand wash suitable for use where food is being handled or perfumes are not preferred. Contains Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide when combined with a low level of hydrogen peroxide is extremely effective at killing bacteria.
Sustainable Choices
  • Product certified independently by an accredited, industry-accepted NZ or global third party to meet specified environmental, social or other sustainability standards


Product Type

Cleaner dispenser


Dispenser Type

Automatic - motion detection

Max Supported Capacity

1.2 litres

NXPlanet Criteria

3rd Party Certification


Trusted Hand Care and Dispensers

Shop our trusted and professional Deb Stoko hand care and dispenser range, perfect for maintaining hygiene in the workplace.